
Grapefruit Foot Bath Salt 1400gr

18.30 -

Jalavannisool, millel on meeldiv värskendav lõhn, valmistab suurepäraselt jalgu ette pediküüriks. Soovituslik kasutada kuiva naha puhul, mis kipub lõhenema. Toode puhastab ja pehmendab nahapaksenditega marrasknahka, hõlbustab konnasilmade ning paksendite eemaldamist. Stimuleerib ka mikrovereringet ja värskendab ning lõdvestab. TOIMEAINED: GREIBIEKSTRAKT Maht: 1500 gr

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SMOOTH FEET is a regenerating and smoothing line for the care of dry skin on the feet with a tendency to crack the epidermis.

Thanks to the high concentration of active ingredients, it provides comprehensive and quick regeneration, smoothes the skin, leaving the feet smooth and relaxed. A refreshing citrus scent additionally strengthens the effect of relaxing and refreshing the skin of the feet.

Purpose: foot bath before pedicure treatment, especially on dry skin with a tendency to crack

How to use:
Dissolve 2 scoops of salt in 3 liters of warm water. Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes. Dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes.

The pictures of the products are illustrative.
If you have any questions, we are always waiting your e-mail at nanatallinn@gmail.com